
Steve and Rachel are returning from Montreal to the UK via Japan and China.
You can follow their progress here... 

Thursday, August 11, 2005

5:08 AM - Slipper Etiquette - Steve

Recently we have been staying in Ryokan, a kind of Japanese Inn. They tend to be friendly places with very simple rooms and tatami matting on the floor. You sleep on futons and they also have lovely screens across the windows. One thing that tends to befuddle us though is the slipper etiquette. You must always remove your shoes on the first step at the entry and place your outdoor footwear in the little cupboard provided. Then you must don a pair of slippers which you may wear to your room - but beware - they must be removed before entering your room. Bare feet or socks only on the tatami, please. Next, if you wish to use the bathroom you must put your `house` slippers back on to get there, then remove them to enter the bathroom and then put on the pair of `bathroom slippers` that await you. All this can be very tiresome at night when you need a pee. Especially when they are all several sizes too small and won`t stay on your feet. Especially on the polished wood staircases....


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